Collection: Boqueirão Collection

Sustainable, handmade, natural organic cotton hammocks.


Boqueirão is a Brazilian municipality located in the metropolitan region of Campina Grande, state of Paraíba. Pariba is known for promoting the sustainable and competitive development of small businesses and lessening the ecological impact within each community.

The textile production of hammocks in the municipality of Boqueirão has existed for centuries, becoming a profession passed down from father to son for many generations. It is estimated that more than 100 families make their living from handicraft production in the region. Our Boqueirão collection hammocks are crafted by hand on traditional looms from these families.

Organic and natural cotton is cultivated under a guaranteed purchase contract through family farming in rural settlements and traditional communities (quilombos). This natural cotton can be found in beige, brown (with or without a slight reddish tint) and green colors - without the use of additives or dyes. As it does not have an irrigated crop, nor does it undergo dyeing, the production process from the field to industry saves 87.5% of water.